The HeART of Protest

Thirty arts and cultural organizations in Columbus have teamed up for The HeART of Protest. The King Arts Complex is convening this effort, which will includes 46 (non-sequential) days of artistic protest determined by each organization and local artists to honor the 46 years of Mr. George Floyd’s life. This effort will be both a catalyst and a documentation of the global social justice movement that is underway.

The Steering Committee for the project includes leaders from The King Arts Complex (convener), CAPA, COSI, Columbus Museum of Art and WOSU.  HeART of Protest began on June 19 (Juneteenth) and will continue until the 46 days of programming have been honored (and beyond!).

“The arts have always been at the center, sometimes at the front, of social justice reform. In the true spirit of collaboration, the arts community has joined The King Arts Complex to show support for black lives matter and protest through the arts.” – Demetries J. Neely, Executive Director

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Cover photo taken on June 19, 2020 during our Juneteenth Festival: Celebrating Freedom (more information below)

46 Days: Documentation of Events

Day 1 - Juneteenth Festival: Celebrating Freedom

June 19, 2020

Day 2 - Free COVID-19 Testing: Equitas Health

July 28, 2020

Equitas - COVID Flyer copy

Day 3 - Aminah Robinson’s Artist Residency Housewarming - Columbus Museum of Art

July 31, 2020


Day 4 - The Amos Lynch Series Featuring Bobby Floyd & Paisha Thomas

August 7, 2020


Day 5 - The Amos Lynch Series Featuring Ty Lemar

August 21, 2020


Day 6 - Dialogue: Racial Inequity in the Age of Covid-19 (WOSU)

September 8, 2020


Day 7 - The Amos Lynch Series Featuring K. Daniel

September 11, 2020


Day 8 - Impressions: Connecting Through Chamber Music (Peggy R. McConnell Arts Center of Worthington)

September 12, 2020


Day 9 - Free Voting Registration

September 25, 2020

Voter Registration 3

Day 10 - The Amos Lynch Series Featuring Christina Myles

September 25, 2020


Day 11 - Good And Troubled Readings In The Dark: “The Purple Flower” and Other Warnings

October 3, 2020


Day 12 - The HeART of the Protest at Franklin Park Conservatory

October 4, 2020


Day 13 - One Voice, One Message: Black Lives Matter (Hybrid Arts Lab)

October 5 - October 20, 2020


Day 14 - Heritage Music Festival: The Conspiracy Band (Easton Town Center)

October 8, 2020


Day 15 - Say It Out Loud Columbus featuring MIIR YLLW and Tripp Fontane

October 9, 2020


Day 16 - Say It Out Loud Columbus featuring DJ O Sharp

October 12, 2020


Day 17 - Dialogue on Election 2020: Making Our Votes Count

October 13, 2020

Dialogue on Election 2020

Day 18 - Virtual Heritage Music Festival: Urban Jazz Coalition

October 15, 2020


Day 19 - Virtual Heritage Music Festival: Thumpdaddy Band

October 22, 2020


Day 20 - Plays Toward An Anti-Racist Tomorrow (CATCO is Theatre and Catco is Kids)

October 24, 2020


Day 21 - Say It Out Loud Columbus featuring Ebri Yahloe

October 25, 2020


Day 22 - Say It Out Loud Columbus featuring Paisha Thomas

October 27, 2020


Day 23 - HeART Of Protest (Columbus Symphony)

October 28, 2020

Columbus Symphony Orchestra

Day 24 - Virtual Heritage Music Festival Featuring the Bobby Floyd Trio

October 29, 2020


Day 25 - Tomashi Jackson: Love Rollercoaster (Exhibition at the Wexner Center for the Arts)

September 26 - December 27, 2020


Day 26 - Spoken Word Artist: Playon Patrick (CAPA)

November 6, 2020

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Day 27 - The Harlem Renaissance: Teach Them to Dream (Momentum Excellence)

November 17, 2020


Day 28 - Virtual Musical Storytime (ProMusica)

November 17, 2020 - January 12, 2021


Day 29 - Songs of Hope and Healing with Crucial Conversations (Jazz Arts Group)

November 19, 2020


Day 30 - Raggin’ On: The Art of Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson’s House and Journals (Columbus Museum Of Art)

November 21, 2020 - October 3, 2021


Day 31 - Gramercy Book Club LIVE! on Zoom: Jevon Collins leads discussion of Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to Be an Antiracist” (Gramercy Books Bexley)

November 24, 2020


Day 32 - Ryan Speedo Green (Opera Columbus)

January 15, 2021 at 7:30 PM


Day 33 - Virtual MLK Day Celebration & M(art)in Unites (Virtual Exhibition)

January 18, 2021 from Noon to 2 PM

MLK Day Open House Ad 2021 with logos 2 copy
Martin Unites Social Post-v1

Day 34 - Local History Panel Discussion (Columbus Metropolitan Library)

February 4, 2021 at 6:30 PM


Day 35 - Virtual All Arts Day: A Celebration Of Aminah Robinson

February 20, 2021 from Noon to 1 PM

All Arts Day - A Celebration Of Aminah Robinson 2021 1 copy

Day 36 - A Crucial COVID Conversation with Brilliant Black Women

February 26, 2021 from Noon to 1 PM


Day 37 - 8:46 (George Floyd Dance Tribute)

May 26 - June 1, 2021 at 8:20 PM

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Day 38 - Virtual Showing of 20 & Odd

June 18, 2021 at 8 PM

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Day 39 - Juneteenth Freedom Celebration

June 19, 2021 from 11 AM to 6 PM

Juneteenth - Final Flyer


Homage - "HeART of Protest" shirts

June 23, 2020

Gramercy Books - How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X

June 24, 2020

Columbus Metropolitan Library - HeART of Protest Booklist

September 25, 2020

Columbus Metropolitan Library Logo Stacked Color

Columbus Metropolitan Library - Let’s Talk About Race: One Book – One Community

January 24, 2021

Columbus Metropolitan Library Logo Stacked Color

Wolf's Ridge Brewing's HeART of Protest feature

100% of the proceeds from this type of beer go directly to the King Arts Complex!


No longer available

Speak Your Peace (Campaign)

October 2 - November 3, 2020

A community effort to respond to the trauma and violence of these historic times in a peaceful way through poetry, writing, photography, painting, dance and other forms of artistic expression.

SpeakYourPeaceDRAFT copy



Steering Committee

Ballet Met
Columbus Gay Men's Chorus
Columbus Metropolitan Library
Columbus Museum of Art
Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Equitas Health
Experience Columbus
Franklin Park Conservatory
Gateway Film Center
Gramercy Books Bexley
Greater Columbus Arts Council
Harmony Project

Jazz Arts Group
King Arts Complex - Convener
Lincoln Theatre
McConnell Arts Center
MLK Library
Ohio Black Dance Festival
Ohio History Connection
Opera Columbus
Shadowbox Live
Short North Stage
Urban Arts Space
Wexner Center for the Arts

Demetries Neely, KAC, Chair
Frederic Bertley, COSI
Jevon Collins, KAC
Nanette Maciejunes, CMA
Amy Tillinghast, WOSU
Chad Whittington, CAPA

Committee Co-Chairs

Rosy and Clark Kellogg
Jeri Block and Bobby Schottenstein
Sheila and Gene Smith

Host Committee

Corporate Sponsors

Jane Grote Abell and Tom Krouse
Donna and Nick Akins
Jamie and Steve Allen
Lori Barreras and Alex Fischer
George Barrett
Heather and Frederic Bertley
Barbara and David Brandt
Felicia and Marvin Clayton
Janelle and Michael B. Coleman
Meghan Cook and Ira Sharfin
Tanny Crane and John Wolff
Lynnda and Steve Davis
Carrie and Brandon Dupler
Peggy Kriha Dye & Jordan Miller
Karen and Mike Fiorile
Gigi and Sam Fried
Denise and Michael Glimcher
Shari Hicks-Graham and Chris Graham
Antoinette and Kyle Gray
Bonita and Archie Griffin
Jennifer and Andy Griffith
Cindy and Larry Hilsheimer
Lisa Ingram and Greg Guy
Donna and Larry James
Olivia Johnson

Linda and Frank Kass

Mary and Tom L. Katzenmeyer
Katie and Brett Kaufman

Liza Kessler and Greg Henchel
Mary and Bob Kidder
Monica and Doug Kridler
Dr. Cheryl Lee & William Amato
Mo and David Meuse
Elaine and Curt Moody

Demetries J. Neely
Gayle and Ira Novak
Ann and Ron Pizzuti
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre
Kathy and Fred Ransier
Robyn and Ron Ransom
Sandra Harbrecht Ratchford and Robin Ratchford
Renee and Alex Shumate
Liz and John Sokol
Joy and Bruce Soll
Catherine Srauss and John Lowe
Jacqueline and Dean Taylor
Lisa and Andy Thomas, M.D.
Ryan Vesler
Arlene and Michael Weiss
LaVerne and Archie Williamson

Presenting Sponsors – Easton Community Foundation and the Ohio State Bar Foundation

Platinum Sponsors – The IMC Foundation and PNC Bank

Diamond Sponsors – Encova Insurance, First Merchants Bank and Tito's Handmade Vodka

Gold Sponsors – Covelli Enterprises, Kyle Gray, HOMAGE, Huntington National Bank, Park National Bank and Platinum TDM 

Silver Sponsors – Crabbe, Brown and James, Equitas Health, Gramercy Books, Grange Insurance, NBC4 and U.S. Bank

Bronze Sponsors – Crane Group, Get Up Stand Up - 5K Virtual Race, Jewish Foundation, Mollard Consulting, Momentum Excellence, Nationwide Children's Hospital,  Value City Furniture / Schottenstein Corporation, Wasserstrom Company, and Wolf's Ridge Brewing


“Additional support has been provided by Ohio Humanities, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the federal CARES Act of 2020.”

*As of March 29, 2022

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Donation Total: $25.00

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