
37th Anniversary Gala

Celebrating King Arts Complex Executive Director

Demetries J. Neely


The 37th Anniversary Gala was held at The Columbus Museum of Art on Friday, on May 17, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. We celebrated Demetries, who has successfully led KAC for the past thirteen years and has positioned KAC for a bright future.

Over Demetries’ tenure, KAC has grown its resources, broadened its donor base, and brought alignment to the board. Her tenure has been transformative. We have watched as Demetries has improved KAC’s brand equity, grown popular community programming, and made significant capital improvements.

Demetries came to KAC through service on its board of directors and applied her background in law and business to shore up KAC finances, pay off debt, create a positive cash flow and establish an endowment fund. Through her relentless efforts, community programming has expanded and educational programming remains stellar.



Congresswoman Joyce Beatty


Alycia Broz

Mindy and Mark Corna

Olivia Johnson

Sheila and Gene Smith*



Karen and Donald Anthony

George Barrett*

Trudy Bartley

Barbara and Michael Benham

Heather and Frederic Bertley

Jeri Block and Bobby Schottenstein*

Yvette McGee Brown and Tony Brown

Annette and Rob Buchbinder

Janelle and Michael B. Coleman

Amy and Josh Corna

Lisa and Tom Courtice

Tanny Crane and John Wolff

Vesta and Philip T.K.  Daniel

Elfi Di Bella

Norma Duckett*

Lisa and Jeff Edwards

Tom Fitzpatrick

DeeDee and Herb Glimcher

Mo and David Meuse*

Joy and Michael Gonsiorowski

Jasmine and Reuben Green

Bonita and Archie Griffin

Jane Grote

Mia and Dr. Kevin Hairston

Francie and Jim Henry

Donna and Larry James*

Erika and Ramon Jones

Linda and Frank Kass*

Linda and Michael Kaufmann

Michael Kelley

Rosy and Clark Kellogg

Mary and Bob Kidder*

Gale V King

Mary K Lazarus

Victoria and Patrick Losinski

Bernice and Ted McDaniel


As of May 17, 2024
*Denotes Extra Gift

Kittrella Mikell

Molly and Cameron Mitchell*

Dan Moncrief III

Ann and Ron Pizzuti

Sue Porter and Mike Sayre

Kathy and Fred Ransier

Robyn and Ron Ransom

Shirley and Guy Reece

Denise Rehg

Benita and Lewis Smoot Jr.*

Cheryl and Charles Snyder

Joy and Bruce Soll

Jacqueline and Dean Taylor

Susan Tomasky and Ron Ungvarsky

Joan and David Trautman

Robert Weiler

Arlene and Michael Weiss

Melinda and Chad Whittington



37th Anniversary Gala Photos

May 17, 2024

2024 Gala Image

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